Tag Archives: mum

My Mother Has Discovered Facebook

Something terrible happened last week.

I was sitting at home, busily signing into Facebook when I got a new friend request. I had been out the night before so I was expecting a friend request from someone I may have drunkenly given my name out to (it’s quite a regular occurrence for me you see).

What I didn’t expect was to see my Mum’s name pop up on my screen.

I think the thing that shocked me the most was seeing her choice of profile photo, a photo that I had taken of her a few years earlier in an attempt to ‘make her look like a superstar.’ Head slightly tilted, chest pushed out, smile which said ‘I am having the time of my life, standing in my kitchen cooking dinner’. This photo had been used for a number of  websites after my mum had discovered the many cheesey dating sites which seemed to suggest that good looking people were at home, spending all of their time on Eharmony.

Now, I am open minded when it comes to others finding love online, but I have always been skeptical, especially since my so called ‘friends’ thought that it would be hilarious to sign me up for a dating website without my consent. To this day I still log on to my email and get welcomed by hundreds of emails telling me that ‘bigboy123′ wants to meet me. Great.

It wouldn’t be so bad if I was in a relationship and I could laugh it off. But unfortunately I sit in front of my laptop, half laughing, half crying at how I am never, ever going to find a boyfriend.

Even so, my mum seems to be enjoying Facebook. My newsfeed is bombarded with updates from her, ranging from regular photo updates of me as a baby, or constant comments on my status’ telling me to ‘be careful’.

But the worst update from my mum was when she updated a status that was, (I assume) supposed to be a private message to her boyfriend. I want to emphasize private, as the message was concerning their plans for the night, plans that no daughter wants to hear. Let’s just say, stockings were involved.

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